CBD or cannabidiol, is one of the cannabinoids present in the hemp plant, it represents the second element after THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, which is sought after for its psychotropic effects. CBD, on the other hand, is a product that provides various benefits even if it has side effects. The healing virtues associated with CBD are diverse, such as promoting growth, reducing blood sugar levels, killing bacteria, and regulating appetite, but they mainly concern :
Pain relief: the product acts on endocannabinoid receptors and can treat pain associated with certain chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, menstruation, multiple sclerosis, muscle damage and spasms.
The reduction of nausea and vomiting: effective anti-vomiting, cannabidiol is recommended to relieve the effects of chemotherapy
Relief of anxiety: cannabinoid acts on the nervous system, calms stress and anxiety and can be recommended to treat psychological disorders such as schizophrenia and to prevent degeneration of the nervous system
Treatment of eczema and psoriasis: cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory properties, it calms the crises related to inflammatory skin diseases, and itching and restores the skin balance.
Inhibition of tumor growth: some studies show that cannabidiol could prevent the development of cancerous tumors.
Side effects associated with CBD include:
– Drowsiness: cannabidiol can cause decreased alertness, a state of half-sleep, or even complete sleepiness.
– Nausea: cannabidiol can cause the reverse of its anti-vomiting properties, and nausea can be accompanied by fatigue and headaches.
– Diarrhea: cannabidiol can affect the digestive system and cause diarrhea or constipation
– Loss of appetite: the effect is very variable depending on the organism, cannabidiol can either increase appetite or conversely decrease the feeling of hunger, the prescribed dosage will depend on the desired effect.
– Dry mouth: cannabidiol acts on the receptors of the salivary glands and can cause drying of the mouth
CBD side effects can also result from interaction with other medications, overdosing on cannabidiol, or poor quality CBD or CBD products purchased. It is important to ensure that the product purchased does not contain THC, the psychotropic element of hemp.
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