The famous adage “success belongs to those who get up early” should be replaced by “success belongs to those who smile”, put away, the scowl, the behavior of grumpy, try the smile, you will see, “it works”. All doors will open in front of you and success will be yours.
Smile to board an already full flight
I arrive late and the flight is almost closed at the check-in, the person at the check-in says to me that it’s too late, I look at her and I compliment her with my best smile, she looks at me and after a few seconds, she calls the person in charge of the flight and warns her that she will accept a new passenger.
30 minutes later, I was on the plane.
I arrive late and the flight is almost closed at the check-in, the person at the check-in says to me that it’s too late, I look at her and I compliment her with my best smile, she looks at me and after a few seconds, she calls the person in charge of the flight and warns her that she will accept a new passenger.
30 minutes later, I was on the plane.
The weight a smile
Pleasures are transmissible. All of them. When someone in front of you yawns, it’s almost irrepressible, you want to yawn too. When faced with a fidgety person, within ten minutes you have your fingers in the socket. A tantrum, and your shoulder muscles tense up.
We are social beings, and in any social group it is essential to feel each other’s emotions to take the temperature of the situation.
But it works both ways.
Others are also sensitive to our moods. If we arrive somewhere with a smile and a smile on our face, they will start to feel it too. And when everyone is in a good mood, the exchange becomes much easier.
Try the power of a smile: they did it.
We are social beings, and in any social group it is essential to feel each other’s emotions to take the temperature of the situation.
But it works both ways.
Others are also sensitive to our moods. If we arrive somewhere with a smile and a smile on our face, they will start to feel it too. And when everyone is in a good mood, the exchange becomes much easier.
Try the power of a smile: they did it.
Smile to calm an angry child
Shopping with her son and entering the Disney store: her face scarlet and volume at its maximum, my 5 year old son is having the tantrum of the century. I must say, I refused to buy him the Aladdin costume, the same one he already has. Negotiate ? Raising my voice ? Shake her by the feet ?
Shopping with her son and entering the Disney store: her face scarlet and volume at its maximum, my 5 year old son is having the tantrum of the century. I must say, I refused to buy him the Aladdin costume, the same one he already has. Negotiate ? Raising my voice ? Shake her by the feet ?
Even better: I gave the little Prince a big smile, sat him in the stroller and continued shopping in the mall, looking happy to be carrying him around.
He stopped ten seconds later : well, what’s the point of crying if it doesn’t bother anyone ?
He stopped ten seconds later : well, what’s the point of crying if it doesn’t bother anyone ?
Smile to silence the other!
Laura’s smile cuts short the questions:
It’s over with John. Hard to bear, and hard to tell everyone: every time I say “it’s over with John?”, it’s as if another little piece of my heart was torn out.
Finally, it’s done.
“It’s not too hard,” they ask me all day long.
Yes, it’s hard, even excruciating, but it’s not going to cheer me up to keep going back to it, so why don’t we talk about something else?
So in front of people, I pretend.
Pretend to smile, to joke, to be fine.
That way I have peace.
And the smile, the other one, the real one, comes back faster.
Smile to make friends
Melissa’s smile makes her a friend:
When I wake up in the morning, I’m so excited I’ll shout “Good morning” to everyone.
Except that I live alone.
And that the first person who benefits from my good mood is the person at the cash register of my favorite Starbucks.
My morning smile, he keeps telling me, is his ray of sunshine.
So, from time to time, he offers me little gifts: madeleines, a croissant, a bottle of water…
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