
COVID 19 news in US and in the world

COVID 19 news in US and in the world

Louis Torronde - C19 World news

Situation in USA 

How to explain the explosion of cases on July 30 with 190,000 new cases and more than 800 deaths, too many people mix vaccination and freedom of behavior, no more masks, no more barrier gestures, in fact, for many Americans, the virus no longer exists.

In this period of crisis and variant Delta, we must be even more careful and the reaction of Joe Biden to impose to the millions of federal employees to wear the masks goes in the right direction, the biggest distribution chain in the world, Walmart, imposes to its employees the wearing of the mask, the giants of the technology, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter make the same and on August 1st, the cases begin to go down 



The pressure continues to increase at the hospital, with 7840 people hospitalized for a case of Covid, 259 more patients than the day before. Among them, 1232 people are admitted in critical care, 170 more in 24 hours. 51 new deaths have been recorded in hospitals since Sunday. In total, 85,424 people have died of the disease in France since February 2020. 
The incidence in Île-de-France (i.e. the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the last seven days) is estimated at 189, compared to 186 three days earlier. This rate is highest in Paris, with 228 cases reported per 100,000 inhabitants. At the national level, the incidence is currently 222 per 100,000 inhabitants.

With three days to go before the constitutional review of the health pass law, the Ordre des Médecins (French Medical Association) is deeply concerned about the conditions for implementing such a provision in hospitals and Ehpad. It explains in a press release that the presentation of this pass “must not deprive patients of care, even though the deleterious consequences of the health crisis in terms of access to care and monitoring of patients (…) are widely documented”. According to the law, the health pass will be required in hospitals for visitors and patients with scheduled care, except in emergency departments.

United Kingdom

In a new Flash survey cited below, Santé publique France reports on the spread of the virus variants in the country. The Delta variant, which is in the majority today, represented 82.8% of positive tests sequenced as of July 28. Far behind, the Alpha variant, which came from England, was still found in 12.3% of tests and the Gamma variant, which originated in Brazil, in 2.5% of sequenced tests.


Which is facing a resurgence of Covid-19 cases, received on Monday two million doses of vaccine from the Chinese laboratory Sinopharm, announced Libyan Prime Minister Abdelhamid Dbeibah, while calling on the population to be vaccinated.
The head of the transitional government also announced the arrival “in the coming weeks” of 1.5 million other doses, without specifying their origin. 
“We call on all our citizens to be vaccinated,” Mr. Dbeibah pleaded with the media at Mitiga airport, near the capital Tripoli. This is the largest delivery of vaccines to date in the North African country. 


Iran on Monday recorded a new 24-hour record of Covid-19 infections with more than 37,000 cases, against the backdrop of an accelerating epidemic in the country, which also recorded its highest daily death toll in three months.
In the last 24 hours, the Iranian Ministry of Health has recorded 37,189 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections to 3,940,708. The ministry also recorded 411 coronavirus-related deaths in the same period, bringing the total number of deaths to 91,407. This is the highest daily death toll since April 28.

China and Wuhan on the rise

Hundreds of thousands of people were confined Monday in China in the midst of an epidemic rebound, which saw the Delta strain spread across the country and reach the city of Wuhan, the first city hit by the Covid-19 outbreak.
China has virtually eradicated the disease on its soil since the spring of 2020 and life has largely returned to normal, despite the persistence of a few outbreaks – sporadic and so far very localized. But since the discovery last month in Nanjing (east) of new cases of Covid-19, this outbreak has spread rapidly. On Monday, China reported 55 new cases. 
Wuhan, the large central metropolis that had been in late 2019 the first place in the world to report Covid cases and impose strict containment on its residents, reported Monday seven positive cases. It had not reported so-called local Covid-19 infections since May 2020. However, the city had previously reported cases of people returning from abroad.

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