Andrea Smadja - C19 Tamar news
Since the beginning of the implementation of vaccines in the world, the world is divided into 4. The rich countries, the poor countries, the pro-vaccines and the anti-vaccines. According to the countries, the differences appear, there are countries like Israel or its population followed the directives of their government and practically more than 75% of the population was vaccinated and countries like France or the USA which reached their glass ceiling with a little more than 50% of their citizens who were vaccinated and the other half is in total defiance with the councils of the organizations of health and yet the vaccine functions and it is to convince the recalcitrants. Here are the 10 good arguments to be vaccinated in all serenity.
1. To save your life
Things have come a long way since the first smallpox vaccine was introduced in 1796 by the English physician Edward Jenner, considered the father of immunology. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that vaccination currently prevents two to three million deaths each year. Smallpox, which caused an estimated 300 million deaths in the 20th century, has been completely eradicated through the development of safe and effective vaccines.
For some people, Covid-19 is also deadly. If you are at high risk of contracting the disease, getting vaccinated could save your life.
2. To protect your health
Vaccines also protect us from many debilitating diseases. Before the development of the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, it was common to see dramatic images of patients with iron lungs or children paralyzed from infection. But over the past three decades, vaccines have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent. Covid-19 can also have long-term health effects. Vaccines also protect you from these effects.
3. To support the health care system
Being vaccinated at an early age reduces your risk of getting infectious diseases throughout your life. It takes the pressure off the health care system, which can then focus its efforts, resources and equipment on caring for patients with non-preventable diseases. Getting vaccinated against Covid-19 frees up resources by reducing the number of cases and avoiding deferrals of other treatments.
4. To protect the most vulnerable
When enough people are vaccinated against an infectious disease like Covid-19, it becomes difficult for it to spread because there are not enough people to infect. This is called herd immunity. Achieving herd immunity means that even those who cannot receive the vaccine (for example, because of pre-existing conditions) are protected.
5. Because vaccines are rigorously tested
Vaccines are tested in large, lengthy clinical trials involving tens of thousands of people, and their effects are monitored even after approval. Because of the rigor with which vaccines are developed, they are much safer and have fewer side effects than most existing drugs.
Covid-19 vaccines are tested in the same way as vaccines for other diseases. They were developed quickly because of less bureaucracy, not because of less thorough safety testing.
6. To save time and money
Vaccines are widely recognized as one of the fastest and most cost-effective medical interventions. Vaccination takes only a few minutes and is very inexpensive (and free in many cases).
On the other hand, contracting an infectious disease means missing school or work and can result in high medical costs.
7. To travel safely
Traveling to other countries exposes you to pathogens that your immune system does not recognize. By getting the vaccines recommended for your destination, you can enjoy your vacation without the risk of being hospitalized abroad or bringing an infection home.
Also, by following the recommended vaccination schedule, you are protecting the people in the country you are visiting from diseases you may transmit. For this reason, Covid-19 vaccines may gradually become mandatory for travel to some countries.
8. To limit drug resistance
Antimicrobial resistance has been identified by the WHO as one of the top 10 threats to global health (along with vaccine hesitancy). Continued overuse of antibiotics and antivirals makes bacteria and viruses resistant, resulting in the spread of untreatable infections.
By preventing us from getting infected in the first place, vaccines allow us to reduce our use of antibiotics and antivirals, thereby limiting the emergence of drug-resistant strains of bacteria and viruses.
9. To protect future generations
Throughout history, humans have had to learn to live with many degenerative and deadly diseases that are now very rare thanks to childhood vaccination programs.
However, the pandemic dramatically illustrates the devastating effect that a single disease can have on a global scale without a vaccine. Getting vaccinated today against infectious diseases and getting our children vaccinated is an invaluable legacy for future generations. Suppressing diseases in the present will allow people to live longer, healthier lives in the future.
10. To counteract fake news
Research has shown that fake news spreads much faster and persists longer than truthful information. In recent decades, conspiracy theories and misinformation have eroded public confidence in vaccines, leading to the return of nearly eradicated diseases in many countries.
By following the recommendations of the scientific and medical communities, you are not only protecting yourself and your loved ones from infectious diseases, you are also setting an example that helps combat the spread of false information.
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