Escherichia coli or E.coli and salmonella bacteria are regularly the cause of food poisoning but recently a number of products had to be recalled following severe and fatal poisoning.
Buitoni pizzas from the Nestlé group and Kinder chocolates from the Ferrero group have been affected by these recalls because, for the first product, two young children died and dozens of others were hospitalized, while for the second, chocolates triggered an epidemic of salmonellosis in Europe a few days before the Easter holidays, which is traditionally synonymous with large purchases of this type of product.
François-Xavier Weill, head of the national reference center of the Pasteur Institute, which records cases of E. coli infection, salmonellosis and studies epidemics in humans, explains that salmonella are seasonal bacteria that are usually found in summer because of the rise in temperature that promotes the multiplication of bacteria and the change in eating habits.
The bacteria are also found in the digestive tract of animals, and human infections often come from the reservoir of farm animals. The usual vectors are raw meat and certain dairy products such as cheese made from raw milk, but water can also be involved if animals such as cows contaminate groundwater.
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