There are continents like Africa that seem to be more resilient to the VIDOC19 pandemic than others… The question is, how is this possible? The question is, how is this possible? What makes some countries less affected than others?
Some argue that experience in managing previous epidemics such as the Ebola virus would partly explain the low impact of COVID19 on African territory.
Others argue that the current picture of the pandemic in Africa does not reflect reality because the tests conducted are inferior to the rest of the world and that it is most likely the tree that hides the forest.
For the time being, testing is only recommended for suspected cases, people with whom they have been in contact and health care workers. However, to better assess the extent of the epidemic, access to virological tests should be massively expanded or algorithms integrating antigenic and serological tests should be implemented, as in Cameroon.
Furthermore, it is worrying to see that international recommendations for the wearing of masks are little or not respected in major African cities, which suggests a sharp increase in cases in the coming weeks.
Laurence HIRR
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