There’s nothing like going to bed in fresh, clean sheets! But we don’t all agree on how often we should change them! Yes, we don’t realise it, but we spend a lot of time in our sheets. As a result, they get dirty quite quickly, which can become unhygienic if we are not careful. But just how often should we change our sheets? A microbiologist gives us his opinion on the matter.
An important hygiene issue
Changing your sheets regularly is an important matter of hygiene. After all, we spend a third of our lives in bed. This means that we regularly perspire in bed. This can lead to the growth of bacteria. Studies on sheets have also shown that they contain a lot of unhygienic materials. Dust mites, pollen and faecal matter have been found when bed linen was studied. Soil or animal faeces, brought in by the clothes we wear outside, can also be found. It is therefore extremely important to make sure that you change your bed linen sufficiently.
The true frequency with which you should change your sheets:
According to Philip Tierno, a microbiologist and researcher at New York University in the United States, we don’t change our sheets often enough. He says it is imperative to change your sheets at least once a week. This way, bacteria do not have time to grow. So we take care of that. This is very important if you want to stay healthy. After all, unclean sheets can even trigger allergic reactions, according to him. So don’t neglect this, and don’t forget to change your sheets!
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