Valneva is a company specializing in the development and commercialization of prophylactic vaccines against infectious diseases of high medical need. Their R&D portfolio includes the only vaccine candidate in clinical development against Lyme disease, a single injection vaccine candidate against chikungunya, and an inactivated vaccine candidate against COVID19.
Valneva has developed a vaccine that is a highly purified, inactivated whole virus vaccine candidate based on Vero cells.
VLA2001 is currently the only adjuvanted, inactivated, whole virus vaccine candidate in clinical trials against COVID-19 in Europe.
It was praised in 2020 by the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and then harshly rejected by his government in September 2021.
In Europe and mainly in France, Valneva is totally rejected and ignored by the European technocrats.
However, the Public Investment Bank (Bpi France) has massively helped the laboratory Valneva, whose headquarters is located in Saint-Herblain (Loire-Atlantique).
The Europeans, aware of their huge mistake, a few years ago, are back in the race
. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has begun an accelerated review of its vaccine against Covid. Unlike others based on messenger RNA (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) or on adenoviruses (AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson or Sputnik-V), this one is based on the older technology of “inactivated virus”, which has been proven in the case of influenza or in the mandatory batches of vaccines for children.
Several scientists say this new vaccine could have strong advantages over the Omicron variant. Two months after unilaterally cancelling their order, the British are starting to bite their fingers off, while the Europeans, last-minute customers, may be pleased.
In the ball of finance and Brussels lounges, it is a three-beat waltz where the British had the opportunity to lead the dance but they put their feet in the carpet and the queen of the evening, “Valneva” went to finish her waltz with her true father “France”.
The Americans are following this vaccine since 2020 and they are very interested and it is very likely that the USA will place an order for several hundred million doses.
Let’s hope for the sake of humanity, that the disputes and egos of the European technocrats will stop and help to vaccinate the world population which is in great need in these times of health crisis with the Omicron variant.
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